Our Vision

In Christ, As Community, For Everyone

  • To establish a worshipping, missional community that is welcoming to everyone in Winchburgh and West Lothian.

  • To have Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Grace at the heart of everything we do.

  • To be disciples that are continually refreshed, renewed and shaped by the Gospel in day to day life.

Vision + Values

  • Directed by the Bible

    God made us to have fellowship with him. The Bible is God’s authoritative word by which he reveals himself, speaking to his people. Each book has its place in the progress of the revelation of grace and the truths it conveys are authenticated and applied to believers by the Holy Spirit. They are sufficient to tell us everything we need to know for salvation and eternal life. Bible preaching, teaching and sharing is therefore at the centre of Christian life.

    We belong to the Free Church of Scotland and are a reformed and evangelical congregation.

    Whilst the bible is our supreme rule for life and faith the Westminster Confession is the standard of theology that we subscribe to.

    Depending on the Spirit in prayer

    God made us to have fellowship with him. Prayer is the means by which we speak to God, addressing him as Father. Privately and corporately we express praise, thanksgiving, confession and petition demonstrating our humble dependence and need on our creator.

    Pursuing Joyful worship

    God is eternally joyful. No-one who has ever walked on this earth was more filled with joy in their life than Jesus. Joy is one aspect of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). We are seeking to grow in our joy in Christ. Whilst our emotional life will always fluctuate, we look to encourage one another in faith to experience the joy of our salvation, pointing one another to the fullness of life in Christ.

  • Demonstrating Sacrificial Generosity and Humility

    Generosity is at the heart of the Christain faith. Jesus is overflowing with lavish grace to his people, showing kindness to us that we don’t deserve. Though he was rich, yet for our sake he became poor, so that we by his poverty might become rich (2 Cor 8:9). As followers of Jesus we look to model him, being lavish in our kindness and generosity to others with the gifts, time, energy and resources he has blessed us with.

    Practicing Encouragement and Kindness

    We want our community to be a safe space. A place where we are able to be open and honest with each other. A place where we are accountable to one another. A community that knows the meaning of forgiveness.

    Valuing Every Member

    The body of Christ is made up of many members. We are a diverse group with different personalities, backgrounds and gifts. We serve together, by God’s grace.

  • Sharing Faith

    Sharing the good news of Jesus is vital. Without hearing the Gospel no-one can be saved (Rom. 10:14-15). We are confident that announcing the good news to others will see the lost becoming found, finding new life in Jesus.

    Sharing Life

    Strong honest relationships build trust and community in which life can be shared. We want our community to be inclusive, looking outwards and welcoming. Hospitality and sharing food together is central in establishing solid foundations to build on.

    Reaching out with Mercy and Grace

    We recognise God’s mercy in our lives and our need for God’s grace. We want to reach out, with that same grace, to those in poverty, need and crisis in our communities and further afield.

    Loving and honoring Everyone

    We are all made in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27). How we treat one another is therefore a direct reflection on how we treat God. We want to love and honour everyone with the same dignity and respect that they deserve, as image bearers.