What Is The Gospel?

The Gospel is the very heart of the Christian faith. It is the good news that Jesus Christ came to rescue us from our sin and give us eternal life. God is committed to restoring a people for himself and promises a future new creation where God’s people will live with him where sin and death will be no more.

In the beginning when God created the whole cosmos, the culmination of his work was humanity made in his image and special to him. Yet, following Genesis 3, ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, we have continued to rebel against our creator. We can see the effects of it in our world today with wars, corruption, sickness and death. God’s creation was put under a curse and needed rescuing. Yet, God had a plan to set us free and bring restoration to everything that was broken.

Over 2000 years ago God the Son came down from heaven in the person of Jesus Christ. God was made man. Jesus then lived a perfect righteous sin free life, living a life that pleased his Father, that nobody else could achieve.

The good news is that the reason Jesus came was because he had a mission. His mission was to willingly give himself up to the punishment we deserved for our disobedience to God. He was sacrificed in our place, dying a death he didn’t deserve to pay for our ransom. It is through the cross the forgiveness for our sins is offered to us.

The glorious news is that Jesus didn’t stay in the grave. On the third day, he defeated death, rising from it, securing the victory over our biggest enemy and an eternal future free from the effects of sin. The cosmos will be restored and be even greater all because of what Jesus has done.

Eternal life and forgiveness of sin are offered to all people. All those who repent, ask for forgiveness and put their trust in Jesus are promised freedom from sin and a forever future with God.